This article examines the effect of bilingualism on a child's personality. According to the researchers' theory, in today's modern conditions, linguistic diversity and the great influence of different languages and mastery of several languages is a basic condition for the development of thinking and a guarantee for dialogue in different societies.
In today's modern
world and the spread of global innovations, people are challenged to live,
work, and earn money due to the existence of multicultural societies and
multilingual environments in countries. In this regard, language is very
efficient as a unique communication tool for the development of global
communication between different cultures and countries and establishing international
relations. Considering the diversity of languages and the mutual influence of
different languages, knowledge of multilingualism is a necessary and guaranteed
requirement for dialogue in different societies.
The effect of bilingualism on the child's personality
Language is one of the most basic foundations of culture and human existence. One of the most basic aspects of human existence in a multi-ethnic environment is the problem of understanding. For bilingualism, the role of the family is the most important factor for the formation of bilingual thinking. In the process of learning a second language, changes occur in the structure of the child's consciousness. In the current situation, the factors that make people need to master foreign languages are: globalization, types of immigration, multiculturalism in countries, inter-ethnic marriages.
"Individual bilingualism" or "bilingualism" refers to the fact that a person has access to more than one language as a means of social communication.
To recognize a person as bilingual, we must first come to the conclusion that the criterion of bilingualism should not be searched only in the ability to speak a second language, but the ability to think in another language is also very important. The measure of the ability to think in a language is actually the ability to phrase or write in that language, while translation is done on texts that have already been written. Mental processes and understanding and meaning are signs of bilingualism.
The relationship between
thinking and language has been investigated in detail during research that
analyzes how a young child learns and thinks in another language. First, the
child learns to speak another language out loud, and then he learns to think
silently in that language. Acquiring the ability to think requires time and
effort, and the necessary condition for mastering this ability is that one
first learns to speak that language and understand what others are saying.
Language and thinking are one whole and bilingualism helps the versatility of
thinking. In this case, the family acts as the first and most important factor
in the influence of bilingualism on the child's personality. Language learning
and bilingualism form certain behavioral patterns in relationships with family
members and the social environment. One of the determining factors for the
formation of bilingualism and multilingualism in society is the family.
Therefore, the formation of the language depends to a large extent on the
educational function, the conditions of which are provided by the family.
Families implement different methods to make their child bilingual, each of
which has different effects. For example, a group of families give their
children complete independence and freedom in deciding to study languages. They
treat their children in such a way that "if you want, learn another
language and if you don't want, don't learn it". They believe that
"let them decide for themselves".
Creating interest in bilingualism in children should not be imposed, but organizing language education in the family, including the mother tongue, requires the presence of the child's constant exposure to the language, as well as the purposefulness and perseverance of the child or the learners and parents, only then can acceptable bilingualism be achieved. Reached in children and language learners. A person's ability to master several languages allows him to freely communicate professionally and personally. Children may sometimes need coercion because if they are given a choice they will all refuse. Creating conditions for the child to master languages in the environment of the family and educational institutions is one of the effective factors in the effect of bilingualism on the child's personality.
Although it seems that the decision about second language acquisition in children rests with the family, but it is wrong to impose these tasks only on the educational institution that deals with language education. In fact, when the best education is formed through the influence of parents and other family members on children, this influential factor should not be forgotten for the child's bilingualism. We suggest you to read The Role of Cartoons in Social Culture article.
"The systematic
approach to mastering bilingualism is implemented through the interaction of
the family, education and society. In this case, the feedback is multiplied and
brings an effective result."
Based on the studies, it can be concluded that there is a direct relationship between the child's mastery of the language and the formation of the child's thinking, and it can be used as a criterion for bilingualism. When a person acquires mastery of a second language, he develops the ability to express a thought by constructing sentences correctly in that language, regardless of his first language. Therefore, the most important criterion for learning a second language at a young age is in the family environment.
Knowing two languages
and two cultures causes the formation of a person's personality and personal
culture and broadens his worldview horizon and generally helps in the full
development of his personality. Finally, the effect of bilingualism on the
child's personality and its formation is a deep philosophical investigation.
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