Model: Ace of Base_beautiful life
This song is from a Swedish band in 1995. The single became a worldwide success, peaking at number 15 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in December 1995...
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Model: Alan Walker_Faded
Download song text file with translation"faded" A single song by Norwegian artist "Alan Walker" It was published in 2015. This single was ranked first in the charts of Italy, Wallonia, France, Norway, Spain, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland and Austria, and in the charts of Ireland, Denmar..
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Model: Alec Benjamin_Let Me Down Slowly
Download song text file with translation< ;/p>A single by American singer, "Alec Benjamin" It is with Alicia Cara. The song became the fifth number one single in the US. It was also included in the top ten songs of Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden and England. < video..
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Model: Alessia Cara_Here
A single song by a Canadian artist released in 2015...
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Model: Alice Merton_Lash out
This single was placed in the charts of Germany, Italy, France, Poland and Israel except for the first ten songs.< /p>..
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Model: Billie Eilish_Happier than ever
is the second studio album by American singer Billie Eilish, released in 2021 by Darkroom...
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Model: Calum Scott_You Are The Reason
Download song text file with translation< /span>This song is a single by the British artist "Collum Scott". In the album, it is only human. This song has been streamed more than a billion times. Its music video has more than 400 million views on YouTube.< ;p>..
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Model: Céline Dion - The Power Of Love
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Model: Celine Dion_My Heart will go on Titanic
Download song text file with translation< /span>"My Heart Will Go On" (in English) original melody (Theme Song) is the blockbuster movie Titanic. The music of this song is composed by James Horner and its singer Will Jennings. The singer of "My Heart Will Go On" is Celine Dion. The song was or..
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Model: Chris De Burgh_A Spaceman came travelling
Download song file with translationChris De Berg (Chris de Burgh) (October 15, 1948 vs. October 23, 1327 in Vanado Torto, Argentina) is a famous English-Irish pop music singer. "A Spaceman Came Traveling" is his single released in 1976...
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Model: Christina Perri_A Thousand Years
Download song text file with translation< /font> Christina Perri (born August 19, 1986) is a musician and singer from the United States of America. He has been working since 2010...
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Model: Daft Punk_Get lucky
A single song from the band "Daft Punk" which was published on April 19, 2013. This single was on the album Random Memories. This song had a great impact on the popularity of this singer...
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