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Snow White (1 episode)

Snow White (1 episode)
Snow White (1 episode)
"Snow White", an orphan in the service of her stepmother, the queen He is wicked and evil. The queen wants to destroy "Snow White". But Snow White is saved and takes refuge in the cottage of the seven dwarfs. ;
  • Production year: 1995
  • number of parts: 1
  • Duration: 45 minutes
Product Views: 861

0.74دلار $

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The most complete specialized reference for raising bilingual children

Since 2019, the Happy Ant team has brought a great and new development in this field by using the knowledge of producing augmented reality software and linking it with teaching English to children, and for the first time in Iran, it designed and produced smart flash cards for education. Happy Ant proves to you that cartoons are a wonderful resource for your child's English learning. Children love cartoons, so you should not underestimate the power of having an educational resource that is also enjoyable. Children watch cartoons again and again so you can use this wonderful opportunity for the benefit of your children. In this regard, the Happy Ent team has designed and produced a specialized Happy Ent application using its bilingual consultants and experts with several years of experience in teaching English to children and teenagers and a strong programming team.