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Someone Like You - Adele (Lyrics)

Someone Like You - Adele (Lyrics)
Someone Like You - Adele (Lyrics)

"Someone Like You" by Adele is one of her most successful and emotional songs. The overall theme of the song is about separation and longing, which she sang after breaking up with the love of her life. In this wonderful song, Adele talks about her feelings after her breakup and says that she has to come to terms with this reality. The lyrics of the song are very emotional and sad, accompanied by a quiet piano melody that perfectly matches the mood of the song. This song has become so famous that we recommend you not to miss listening to this wonderful song.


Product features
Language English
Main Theme Pop/ Soul
Size 11 MB
Time 4m 49s
Quality 720p
Release Year 2011
Product Views: 29

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